
Showing posts from November, 2017

School Breaks!

School Breaks!          School breaks! We live for them.  We count down to them.  We even plan our lessons and activities based on them.  But do you really take a break? Coming up for many of us is Thanksgiving Break.  It is a necessary time for many of us to be able to relax and unwind.           As a new TPT seller, I would love to take this long weekend and work on the laundry list of products that I want to create.  HOWEVER, I will NOT be creating products over the long weekend.           Although many of you may see these couple of days off as an opportunity to create, I NEED this time off.  As you may have read in my previous blog post, I have had a rough couple of weeks.  Between the breathing problems and feeling generally run down, I need a break.           On Thanksgi...
Time …          Everyone needs more time.  More time to sleep.  More time to lesson plan.  More time to grade.  More time for friend, family…YOURSELF!           We all need more time.  And the question we ask ourselves every day, is what do we give up?  What do we put off…again?  What do we sacrifice today?           There is no clear answer.  I have no miracle cure or remedy or solution to this problem.  Sure, we can make to-do lists.  I can tell you for a fact that I make a daily to-do list, and that MANY of those things don’t get crossed off, and then subsequently end up on tomorrow’s to-do list.           What I can tell you, is that I have learned from time.  I have learned to listen to my body when it tells me to slow down.  AND I ...

Teaching While Sick...

Teaching while sick …           Of all the professions in the world (that are non-medical of course), I think that teaching may be the one that has the highest illness rate.  Why you ask???  Because we work with kids!  I have not been able to blog for the past several weeks, because I have been really run down.  Typically, I will start my day at the gym, teach all day, and then work for a couple of hours on TPT, and then finally unwind watching some TV after dinner.  BUT … over the past two weeks, I have barely been able to make it to school each day.           At the beginning of each school year, I tend to get sick, whether with a sinus infection, or with really bad allergies.  However, this year, my aliment is more of a general run-down feeling that does not want to leave me.  And I am comforted in knowing that I am not alone.  Draggin...