Erin Condren Teacher Planner

Erin Condren Teacher Planner

Erin Condren Teacher Planner!! It has finally arrived…and I am in hesitant love.  The cover I chose is awesome.  The layout and additional page protectors, perfect.  However, I do not know if I am loving the new design pages.

This is my third teacher planner from Erin Condren, and I was so excited when it was time to order my planner.  As usual, it took me wayyyy to long to choose a cover design.  In the end, I went with the same cover that I got last year, I just changed one of the colors. And I love the way the color came out (you can check out my cover here).

Additionally, I had my planner begin in August, because in NJ, we start back in September, which means that I really start planning in August (let’s be serious, I start planning for the new school year before the last school year ends).  I love that Erin Condren provides stickers for the dates, so I do not have to write them in…andddd that those colors match each month’s color theme.  I also had added three extra sheet protectors, because I like to keep several pages for easy reference (including my class schedule, standards, and curriculum pacing guides for grades 3-6…yes I teach 4 different grades).

Yet, there is one thing I am not in love with…the new lesson plan layout.  In previous years, there was an adorable apple on the top next to the week #, and they had individual rounded rectangles for each day of the weeks’ lessons.  Now there is no apple (I really thought that it was cute) and the little rectangles are gone, and they are replaced with thick lines that separate each page.  I am not saying that I do not like it, I am just not in love with it (yet).

I hope that I will begin to love every aspect of this planner as I have in the past.  In fact, it may just be that I hate change, and that I need to get used to the new design.  Either way, I will use my Erin Condren Teacher Planner every single day this coming school year.  Some may say that I am “old school,” but I need to be able to write down my objectives for each lesson, kinda like a to-do list for each of my classes, and erase and move things around as necessary.

I will definitely post an update, once I go back to school and I am using my Erin Condren Teacher Planner every single day.

You can check you my reveal video (my first YouTube video!!) here.



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