OHHHH Benchmarking...

OHHHH Benchmarking
          Ohhhh the beginning of the year.  There is so much to do from setting up our classrooms, to meeting our new kiddos, Back to School Nights, ETC, ETC.  Andddd one of the things that we all should be beginning {if not already done}, is benchmarking.
          Andddd this week, I began the tedious {although EXTREMELY NECESSARY} process of benchmarking ALL of my students.  In addition to benchmarking all of the students that I had last year {although I benchmarked in June, sometimes, I encounter the dreaded SUMMER SLIDEahhhhhhhh), I also assess all 3rd grade students that were below grade level expectations in June. 
As a Title I ELA teacher, it is very important that I not only understand my students’ strengths and weaknesses, but specifically, where they are at the beginning of the year.  One of the ways that I assess my students is by Fountas and Pinnell {F&P} benchmarking.  Throughout the year, I assess my students using F&P 3 times {beginning of the year, mid-year, and end of the year}.
Yesyou read that correctly, I assess my students using F&P 3 times per year.
Some teachers assess using these running records twice a year, some once, and some do not do it at all!   Now do I like hearing the same story and asking the same questions over and over again {sometimes listening to only one story ALL. DAY. LONG.} of course not.  However, in order to ensure that I am able to create lessons to meet each of my students’ individual needs, I believe it to be a necessity.  Andddd I know that I am NOT alone-every teacher, in every classroom, needs to be well versed their students’ abilities.
          As educators, we need to understand where our students’ strengths lie, in order to provide them the individualized instruction that they needand DESERVE!  When I am planning our reading strategy lessons, I choose texts based on each of my students reading levels {for independent/guided practice}.  if I choose a text that is above a students’ reading level, they will struggle with understanding the text, AND will therefore have difficulty understanding the strategy-AND/OR-the text itself!  Similarly, if a text is too easy for them, they may become easily distracted or worst BORED!!  I believe that choosing the right text for each of my students to be one of the key elements to successful lessons throughout the year.
          I HOPE to be done assessing my students using the F&P benchmarking system within two weeks {note that I said HOPE}.  Once I have completed benchmarking, I can begin sending home letters to families with program information, host a parent information session, ANDDDD then finally begin teaching!
          I hope you are all having a wonderful yearANDDDD stay tuned for my next blog on how I prepare for my parent information sessions!



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