Never Stop Learning...

Never Stop Learning…

I teach my students to be lifelong readers and writers.  I do not just tell my students to do this, I show them that I too am a lifelong learner.  Andddd I definitely learned that was this week.

I learn new things every day about Teachers Pay Teachers and being a Teacher Author.  THANK GOODNESS for YouTube! Without YouTube, Instagram, and blogs, I may have given up by now.

But I am determined.  One of the main things that I gained from this week’s journey, was being able to create a PowerPoint that can be edited, while still adhering to copyrights and permissions for fonts and clip art.  This is an option on many products that are created by GREAT sellers, and I was struggling with figuring it out.

One of my own fatal flaws (that I am all too aware of) is needing to figure things out on my own.  Although it is a flaw, it is also a great way to learn; I learn by breaking things down {AND} through trial and error.  BUT...why work hard when you can work smart??

One day this past week, I was working on a new product, and I had YouTube playing in the background.  I typically listen to things while I am working, because I work better with some kind of background noise, rather than silence; I don't usually even process what is going on with whatever is playing in the background.  Andddd I just happen to hear someone explaining a tutorial about how to create a PowerPoint with editable text {YES!}.  I quickly rewatched the video, and then gave it a try...SUCCESS!

So, although I teach my students to be lifelong learners, I was reminded that I can never stop learning, because if you are not moving forward, you are not moving at all.  This journey has been so rewarding, and I cannot wait to see what will come next!



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